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Many Fields are created or manipulated as a part of Relativity Trace.

  1. Trace Document Fields
  2. Appendix B: Trace Document Extraction Fields

Trace Document Fields

As documents flow into a Relativity workspace and through the Trace workflow the status of documents is reflected on a few key fields on the Document object

  1. Trace Checkout – Fixed-length Text field responsible for checking out each document for the Trace Data Flow

  2. Trace Document Status – Single choice field responsible for reflecting overall progress of the document through the Trace Data Flow
    • Standard choices are:
      • 1 – New, 2 – Indexed, and 3 – Term Searched reflecting the statuses above
      • 4 – Normalized, 5 – Ready for Rule Analysis, and 6 – Alert Rules Complete reflecting the statuses above, depend on configuration of Rule Evaluation task
    • Indexing Errored status reflects documents that have not successfully gone through Indexing.
    • Potential causes
      1. Broken infrastructure (Agents, Service Host issues)
      2. Documents could not be update with New status due to SQL outage
    • Actions
      1. Check Setup tab for statuses of agents
      2. Check Trace logs (via Manage Logs console button)
      3. Perform Trace Document Retry mass-operation on affected documents
    • Searching Errored status reflects documents that have not successfully gone through Term Searching stage.
      • Potential causes
        1. Broken infrastructure (Agents, Service Host issues)
        1. Permanently broken/invalid Term (dtSearch) syntaxes are present
      • Actions:
        1. Check Setup tab for statuses of agents
        1. Check Terms tab for detailed errors on each failed term
          1. Check Trace logs (via Manage Logs console button)
        2. Perform Trace Document Retry mass-operation on affected documents
  3. Trace Document Status Updated On – Date field that holds the UTC time when document’s Trace Document Status field was last updated.

  4. Trace Terms – Multi-Object field tracking which Terms have matched a document

  5. Trace Rule Terms – Multi-Object field tracking Rule specific Terms (terms that match the document that are also associated with Rules that match the document)

  6. Trace Has Errors – Boolean (yes/no) field indicating if the document has any errors related to ingestion, extraction

  7. Trace Error Details – Long Text field capturing the error details if a document has encountered any errors

  8. Trace Data Transformations – Multi-Object field tracking what data transformations have been applied to the document as part of ingestion

AI Extracted Text Cleansing Data Transforms are not currently being added to this field when they are applied to a document. This will be fixed in a subsequent release. Deduplication Data Transforms will never be added to this field because deduplicated documents are not ingested into Relativity Trace.

  1. Trace Monitored Individuals – Multi-Object field tracking which Monitored Individuals are associated with each document

  2. Trace Rules – Multi-Object field tracking which Rules of type Alert matched a document

  3. Trace Alerted On – Date field that holds the time when a Document first matched an Alert rule

  4. Trace Workflow Rules – Multi-Object field tracking which Rules of type Workflow matched a document

  5. Trace Matching Rules (INTERNAL) - Multi-Object field used by the Rules engine to snapshot documents that match the Saved Search and Term conditions for each rule execution. Please do not edit or use this field for any other purpose as the data within it is cleared and updated frequently.

  6. Trace Record Origin Identifier - Contains an identifier (varies by Data Source) that can be used to reconcile Trace documents with their origin

  7. Trace Data Batch - Tracking object that shows when and how the document was brought into the Workspace

  8. Trace Data Batch::Data Source - System generated field that can be used to show the Data Source that created each document. If desired, edit this field to Allow Pivot and Allow Group By and place a Widget on the Documents dashboard to see how many documents are generated by each Data Source.

  9. Trace Is Extracted – Boolean (yes/no) field indicating if the document is a Native or was Extracted (in Rule Evaluation it indicates if document is a parent of a family member).

  10. Trace Omit from Alert Rules – Boolean (yes/no) field indicating if the document is omitted from alert rules.

  11. Trace AI Extracted Text Cleansing Status - Single choice field which indicates the outcome for AI Extracted Text Cleansing outcome.

    • There are 4 possible choices:
      1. Success - No Extracted Text Cleansed A document has undergone cleansing, but none of the configured non-authored content was identified for removal.
      2. Success - Extracted Text Cleansed A document has undergone cleansing and non-authored content was identified and removed from extracted text.
      3. Warning - Document Error Cleansing was attempted but an error occurred at the document level.
      4. Warning - Service Error Cleansing failed due to an error with analytics service preventing execution.
  12. Trace AI Extracted Text Cleansing Error Details - Long Text field that holds any error details that may have occurred during AI Extracted Text Cleansing. It will be empty if no errors occurred.

  13. Trace Cleansed Extracted Text - Long Text field that stores the cleansed extracted text generated by the AI Extracted Text Cleansing Data Transformation. Is populated if any data source in the workspace has the AI Extracted Text Cleansing Data Transformation added. If cleansing is not performed on the document the AI Extracted Text Cleansing field will contain the same content as the Extracted Text field.

  14. Trace Removed Extracted Text - Long Test field which stores a JSON of the email properties that were removed for a given document during AI Extracted Text Cleansing. If cleansing is turned off or if no content was removed during cleansing, then it will always be empty.

  15. Trace Is Duplicate - Boolean (yes/no) field indicating if the document is a Duplicate (another of this file already exists in Relativity) or Not Dupicate (Document is the first of its kind in Relativity).

  16. Trace Original Document Control Number - Fixed Length Text field containing the Control Number of the Original Document. For duplicate documents this value will contain the Control Number of it’s Original document. Original documents will have a Trace Original Document Control Number that is equal to its own Control Number. Note that this can be the Control Number of a document that has already been removed by Data Disposal.

Appendix B: Trace Document Extraction Fields

Trace automatically extracts metadata information for Microsoft Office 365 Data Source and Relativity Data Extraction Data Source. Below is the list of all the supported fields. There are four major categories for fields:

  • Email Only – fields that apply to emails only

  • Email and Document – fields that apply to emails and other documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc…)

  • Document Only – fields that apply to documents but not to emails

  • Calculated – fields that are calculated dynamically by Trace

Trace Field Information Relativity Field Field Type Field Description
Email Only Attachment List Long Text Attachment file names of all child items in a family group, delimited by semicolon, only present on parent items.
Email Only BCC Long Text The name(s) (when available) and email address(es) of the Blind Carbon Copy recipient(s) of an email message.
Email Only Can Forward Yes/No The indicator whether the mail message can be forwarded.
Email Only CC Long Text The name(s) (when available) and email address(es) of the Carbon Copy recipient(s) of an email message.
Email Only Conversation Index Long Text Email thread created by the email system. This is a 44-character string of numbers and letters that is created in the initial email and has 10 characters added for each reply or forward of an email.
Email Only Conversation Long Text Normalized subject of email messages. This is the subject line of the email after removing the RE and FW that are added by the system when emails are forwarded or replied to.
Email Only Creator Email Entry ID Long Text The unique Identifier of creator an email in an email store
Email Only Delivery Receipt Requested Yes/No The yes/no indicator of whether a delivery receipt was requested for an e-mail.
Email Only Email Categories Long Text Category(ies) assigned to an email message.
Email Only Email Created Date/Time Date The date and time at which an email was created (converted to UTC).
Email Only Email Format Single Choice The indicator of whether an email is HTML, Rich Text, or Plain Text.
Email Only Email In Reply To ID Long Text The internal metadata value within an email for the reply to ID.
Email Only Email Last Modified Date/Time Date Date and time that the email message last modified (converted to UTC).
Email Only Email Sensitivity Single Choice The indicator set on an email to denote the email’s level of privacy.
Email Only From Address Long Text The e-mail address for the messaging user represented by the sender.
Email Only From Fixed-Length Text The name (when available) and email address of the sender of an email message.
Email Only From Date Date and time that the email message was sent (converted to UTC).
Email Only Importance Single Choice Notation created for email messages to note a higher level of importance than other email messages added by the email originator.
Email Only Last Modifier Email Entry ID Long Text The unique Identifier of last modifier of an email in an mail store
Email Only Message Class Single Choice A single choice field that can be one of: Email, Edoc, or Attach.
Email Only Message ID Fixed-Length Text The message number created by an email application and extracted from the email’s metadata.
Email Only Priority Single Choice The priority of the email message.
Email Only Read Receipt Requested Yes/No The yes/no indicator of whether a read receipt was requested for an e-mail.
Email Only Received By Email Entry ID Long Text The unique Identifier of an email in an mail store
Email Only Received Date/Time Date Date and time that the email message was received (converted to UTC).
Email Only Sender Email Entry ID Long Text The unique Identifier of an email in an mail store
Email Only Subject Long Text Subject of the email message.
Email Only To Long Text The name(s) (when available) and email address(es) of the recipient(s) of an email message.
Email and Document Author Fixed-Length Text Original composer of document or sender of email message.
Email and Document Created Date/Time Date Date and time from the Date Created property extracted from the original file or email message (UTC).
Email and Document Extracted Text Long Text Complete text extracted from content of electronic files or OCR data field. This field holds the hidden comments of MS Office files.
Document Only Comments Long Text Comments extracted from the metadata of the native file.
Document Only Company Fixed-Length Text The internal value entered for the company associated with a Microsoft Office document.
Document Only Document Subject Long Text Subject of the document extracted from the properties of the native file.
Document Only Document Title Long Text The title of a non-email document. This is blank if there is no value available.
Document Only Keywords Long Text The internal value entered for keywords associated with a Microsoft Office document.
Document Only Last Printed Date/Time Date Date and time that the document was last printed.
Document Only Last Saved By Fixed-Length Text The internal value indicating the last user to save a document.
Document Only Last Saved Date/Time Date The internal value entered for the date and time at which a document was last saved.
Calculated Container ID Fixed-Length Text Unique identifier of the container file in which the document originated. This is used to identify or group files that came from the same container.
Calculated Container Name Fixed-Length Text Name of the container file in which the document originated.
Calculated Control Number Fixed-Length Text The identifier of the document.
Calculated Email Has Attachments Yes/No The yes/no indicator of whether an email has children (attachments).
Calculated Email Store Name Fixed-Length Text Any email, contact, appointment, etc. that is extracted from an email container (PST, OST, NSF, MBOX, etc) will have this field populated with the name of that email container.
Calculated Extracted Text Size in KB Decimal Indicates the size of the extracted text field in kilobytes
Calculated Group Identifier Fixed-Length Text Family Group the file belongs to (used to identify the group if attachment fields are not used).
Calculated File Extension Fixed-Length Text The extension of the file, as assigned by the processing engine after it reads the header information from the original file
Calculated File Name Fixed-Length Text The original name of the file
Calculated File Size Decimal DO NOT MAP this field in ingestion profile. A value for this field is automatically calculated by Relativity on import.
Calculated File Type Fixed-Length Text Description that represents the file type to the Windows Operating System
Calculated Native File Long Text The path to a copy of a file for loading into Relativity.
Calculated Number of Attachments Decimal Number of files attached to a parent document.
Calculated Other Metadata Long Text Additional metadata extracted during processing beyond the list of standard fields available for mapping. See the “Read From Other Metadata Column” setting on Data Mappings to import values from Other Metdata to a field in Relativity.
Calculated Parent Document ID Fixed-Length Text Document ID (Control Number) of the parent document. Empty for top level (original native) documents. For multiple levels of descendants, this field will always be populated with the Document ID (Control Number) of the top level (original native) document for every descendant document.
Calculated Password Protected Single Choice Indicates the documents that were password protected. It contains the value False if the file was not password protected, True if the file was password protected and could not be cracked using passwords specified in the Password Bank, or Decrypted if the file was password protected and was decrypted using a matching password from the Password Bank.
Calculated Recipient Count Decimal The total count of unique recipients in an email across the To, CC, and BCC fields
Calculated Trace Data Transformations Multiple Object Data Transformations that have been applied to the document. NOTE: AI Extracted Text Cleansing Data Transforms are not currently being added to this field when they are applied to a document. This will be fixed in a subsequent release. Deduplication Data Transforms will never be added to this field because deduplicated documents are not ingested into Relativity Trace.
Calculated Trace Document Hash Fixed-Length Text Calculated hash value that is used to determine if a document is a duplicate of another document. Original documents use a partial hash of metadata, while extracted documents use a binary hash.
Calculated Trace Error Details Long Text Details of errors encountered during the extraction/expansion
Calculated Trace Has Errors Yes/No Indicates if any errors occurred during extraction/expansion
Calculated Trace Monitored Individuals Multiple Object Monitored individuals associated with Data Source (used for retrieval and billing)
Calculated Trace Exempt Yes/No Indicates exempt list data transformation classification
Calculated Trace Communication Direction Fixed-Length Text Indicates communication direction data transformation classification (Internal
Calculated Trace Is Extracted Yes/No Indicates whether a document is a Native or was Extracted
Calculated Trace Email Action Single Choice Describes the type of email as either Draft, Send, Forward, Reply, Reply-All, or Empty meaning the document is not an email
Calculated Trace Primary Language Fixed-Length Text Describes the primary language used in a communication
Calculated Trace Other Languages Fixed-Length Text Describes the type other language used in a communication
Calculated Trace Language Switching Detected Yes/No Describes if language switching (multiple languages used) occurs in a communication
Calculated Trace Is Spam Yes/No Describes if a communication is Spam or Not Spam
Calculated Trace Is Duplicate Yes/No Determines whether or not a document is Duplicate or Not Duplicate
Calculated Trace Original Document Control Number Fixed-Length Text The identifier of a duplicate’s Original document (Non-duplicate documents will point to themselves)